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Dear People Whom God Loves,

•    A friend is someone with whom I am comfortable.
•    A friend is someone with whom I at times disagree.
•    A friend is someone who at times tells me my faults and I don’t feel diminished in the telling.
•    A friend is someone who knows some things that I don’t know.
•    A friend is someone with whom I share deep values.
•    A friend is someone who helps me become a better person.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can share deep things.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can share silly things.
•    A friend is someone with whom I am bonded even when we go through rough waters.
•    A friend is someone with whom I am equal.
•    A friend is someone who doesn’t expect me to be perfect.
•    A friend is the greatest human treasure on earth.
•    A friend is someone who helps me feel good about being me.
•    A friend is someone who helps me to be humble.
•    A friend is someone who helps me feel compassion for an ever-growing diversity of people.
•    A friend is someone who isn’t just like me.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can be happy.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can be sad.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can be excited.
•    A friend is someone with whom I can be loved.
•    A friend is someone who helps me see myself as I really am.
•    A friend is someone who is there for the long haul.
•    A friend makes me feel grateful.
•    A friend brings me close to Love.  (Love is my name for God).
•    A friend makes me want to be a friend.
•    A friend is, as the Irish say, my Anam Cara.
•    A friend is not gone at death.
•    A friend cannot be put into words.

Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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