Dear People Whom God Loves,
In the spirit of listening, I invite you to respond as to your relationship with the Catholic Church as outlined below. Your response will help
St. Stanislaus Church become a better parish. Feel free to share this survey with your friends. I am grateful for your help.
Smile, God Loves You Father Clay
[ ] I remain in the Catholic Church
[ ] I am thinking about leaving the Catholic Church
[ ] I have left the Catholic Church
[ ] Female [ ] Male Age__
Drop your response in: the collection basket, mail to address below,
or Email Father Clay at:
Optionally – If you would like a reply from Father Clay please provide
your contact information.
Contact me by [ ] Phone____________________________________
[ ] Email_________________________________________________
[ ] Mail __________________________________________________
Saint Stanislaus Church • 398 Superior Street Saint Paul, MN 55102
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