
August 5, 2012

SPIRITUAL GROWTH – IV, August 5, 2012


Dear People Whom God Loves, Before continuing with Ken Wilbur, I’d like to take a little sidetrack with Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan.  They write of moral development into six stages and merely touch on a seventh that I won’t consider. Kohlberg’s study was exclusively with men.  He found the stages that they went through […]

July 29, 2012

Funeral Homily


Father John C. Clay A reading from the Gospel according to John… Jesus said to the crowd, ”All that the Father gives me shall come to me.  No one who comes will I ever reject.  Because it is not to do my own will that I have come down from heaven, but to do the […]

July 29, 2012



Dear People Whom God Loves, Ken Wilbur also writes about lines of development.  Lines are the various capacities or energies that we have.  He writes about five.  They are called developmental lines because they show growth and development.  The five intelligences are 1) cognitive  2) interpersonal  3) psychosexual  4) emotional and  5) moral. These intelligences […]

July 22, 2012

SPIRITUAL GROWTH – II, July 22, 2012


Dear People Whom God Loves, Continuing with thoughts from Integral Spirituality.   We will look at the line of moral development through three stages.  There are others who trace that line through six or seven stages. Remember that stages could be called levels.  Also they are permanent and not passing.  For example, a person may be […]

July 15, 2012

SPIRITUAL GROWTH – I, July 15, 2012


Dear People Whom God Loves, I find the work of Ken Wilber helpful in looking at spiritual growth from another perspective. Growth goes through a series of stages.  This applies not only to spiritual growth but also to many kinds of growth.  He mentions cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and musical intelligence as examples.  The common […]

July 8, 2012

Purity / Duty – Parts I, II, III


Dear People Whom God Loves,   PURITY/DUTY – I   John the Baptist and Jesus both announced the reign of God.  Both made it clear that purity codes were not the way to enter the reign of God.  John called the Pharisees “a brood of vipers.”  Jesus called them “whitened sepulchers.”  Jesus was drawn to John and received baptism […]

July 8, 2012

Reflections on Vatican Council II: Part XIII – XIV


  Dear People Whom God Loves,   XIII REFLECTIONS ON VATICAN COUNCIL II   The thoughts of this column are taken from Chapter 18 of Keys to the Council.  Our church has had many reforms since the beginning.  So reform is not something new.  Pope John XXIII made it clear in his opening address that the agenda of […]

July 8, 2012

Reflections on Vatican Council II: Part X – XII


Dear People Whom God Loves,   X REFLECTIONS ON VATICAN COUNCIL II     Again, these thoughts come from Keys to the Council.  What do we mean when we say that our church is Catholic?  We have often thought that our church is universal in the sense of spreading across the world.  That is a superficial meaning.  Rather, the […]

July 8, 2012

Reflections on Vatican Council II: Part VII – IX


Dear People Whom God Loves,   VII REFLECTIONS ON VATICAN COUNCIL II   Continuing.   The same document says that the priest serves the baptismal priesthood through the pastoral leadership of empowering the people of God and ordering the many gifts of the baptized in a way that those gifts will help the church in its mission […]

July 8, 2012

Reflections on Vatican Council II: Parts IV – VI


 Dear People Whom God Loves,   IV REFLECTIONS ON VATICAN COUNCIL II   Again, these thoughts are based on the book Keys to the Council.   This concerns the relationship of the priesthood of the laity and the ordained priesthood.   Among Jesus’ first believers, class distinctions were not acceptable.  When these divisions arose, they were condemned.  Paul’s letter […]

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