
February 13, 2011



RELIGION SUBSTITUTE FOR GOD – Science Dear People Whom God Loves, I am fascinated by science.  I wish that I knew much more than I do.  I am fascinated by the understanding of the evolution of our universe that science has brought to us.  Also, the evolution of our earth, the mystery of life bursting […]

February 6, 2011

Your Generousity


Dear People Whom God Loves, I want to thank all of you for the time, energy, presence, and money that you have contributed to St.Stans. The graph in this bulletin is a guideline to help you make a decision about your financial contribution to our parish.  You have to decide what is appropriate for you.  […]

January 30, 2011

Religion Substitute for God


Dear People Whom God Loves: Deep within us humans is the need for meaning and purpose in our lives. I believe that at some level we, more or less consciously, ask if there is any meaning to life. That is the blessing—some might say the curse—of being a human being.   We can search for meaning in […]

January 23, 2011

Being Honest in the Presence of Love


Dear People Whom God Loves, I suggest that this could be one description of what prayer is.  We will look first at Being Honest and then at The Presence of Love. •    I feel superior to others •    I hurt people with my anger •    Money is big to me •    I envy others •    […]

January 9, 2011

BOTTOM UP, TOP DOWN – January 9, 2011


Dear People Whom God Loves, “Bottom up” means gaining knowledge through experience.  This brings to mind the saying of St. Thomas Aquinas: “There is nothing in our mind that was not first in our senses.  In other words we gain knowledge by reflecting on what we have experienced.” “Top down” means drawing conclusions from the […]

January 1, 2011

BOTTOM UP TOP DOWN II – January, 16, 2011


Dear People Whom God Loves, More and more people had this experience.  We call this their experience of Jesus’ resurrection.  Please note that Jesus’ resurrection was not a coming back to life as we know it in this world.  If this were true, then Jesus would have had to die again. In this contact with […]

December 26, 2010

GOD IS LOVE– VI December 26, 2010


Dear People Whom God Loves, GOD IS LOVE– VI Let us now look at how fear negatively impacts our spiritual journey of growing in love. Let us suppose that we do good things—including religious good things—because we are afraid of going to hell.  Then we are not doing them because they are good and loving […]

December 5, 2010

GOD IS LOVE – III December 5, 2010


Dear People Whom God Loves, GOD IS LOVE – III We turn now to understand more deeply about what God is Love tells us about the mission of the church.  Jesus’ commission to his disciples was to make disciples of all nations.  Being a disciple of Jesus means to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and to […]

October 31, 2010



Dear People Whom God Loves, SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE Recently, the Catholic bishops of Minnesota sent DVD’s about gay marriage to Catholics throughout our state.  This is an issue that will not go away soon.  It touches something deep inside of us.  This means that we will have strong emotional reactions regardless of which […]

July 25, 2010

HOW DO I IMAGE GOD – III July 25, 2010


July 25, 2010 Dear People Whom God Loves, HOW DO I IMAGE GOD – III This concludes this series. We will look at how the various images of God affect the brain. Whatever affects the brain, affects the way we perceive reality and in turn affects the way we live. I think that some of […]

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