February 12 and March 26 at 12:30-2pm or 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center library. Solitude of the heart (a pamphlet of Lenten prayers with Henri J.M. Nouwen) will be distributed at the first session. Sessions include reading, sharing, and prayer “thus, the discipline of solitude enables us to live active lives in the world, while remaining always in the presence of the living god”. Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or lindsay@ststans.org.
Join us to read and discuss Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism from 7:00-8:30pm on February 5 (pg 7-109), March 5 (pg 110-218) and April 2 (pg 219-313). Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or Lindsay@ststans.org.
Join us at St. Marks Lutheran Church for a soup supper and Lenten service. Please bring a pot of soup to share.
Religious Education is for students in kindergarten-6th grade. Please call Lindsay with questions at 651-292-1913
Sunday school is for children aged 3-5. If you have questions, please call Lindsay at 651-292-1913.
February 12 and March 26 at 12:30-2pm or 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center library. Solitude of the heart (a pamphlet of Lenten prayers with Henri J.M. Nouwen) will be distributed at the first session. Sessions include reading, sharing, and prayer “thus, the discipline of solitude enables us to live active lives in the world, while remaining always in the presence of the living god”. Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or lindsay@ststans.org.
Join us at St. Stanislaus for a soup supper and Lenten service. Please bring a pot of soup to share.
Religious Education is for students in kindergarten-6th grade. Please call Lindsay with questions at 651-292-1913
Sunday school is for children aged 3-5. If you have questions, please call Lindsay at 651-292-1913.
Banner making event. This is for children making their First Communion and their families. Families are asked to bring something to share. We provide ham, turkey, buns and pop.
February 12 and March 26 at 12:30-2pm or 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center library. Solitude of the heart (a pamphlet of Lenten prayers with Henri J.M. Nouwen) will be distributed at the first session. Sessions include reading, sharing, and prayer “thus, the discipline of solitude enables us to live active lives in the world, while remaining always in the presence of the living god”. Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or lindsay@ststans.org.
Join us at St. Marks Lutheran Church for a soup supper and Lenten service. Please bring a pot of soup to share.
Religious Education is for students in kindergarten-6th grade. Please call Lindsay with questions at 651-292-1913
Sunday school is for children aged 3-5. If you have questions, please call Lindsay at 651-292-1913.
February 12 and March 26 at 12:30-2pm or 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center library. Solitude of the heart (a pamphlet of Lenten prayers with Henri J.M. Nouwen) will be distributed at the first session. Sessions include reading, sharing, and prayer “thus, the discipline of solitude enables us to live active lives in the world, while remaining always in the presence of the living god”. Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or lindsay@ststans.org.
February 12 and March 26 at 12:30-2pm or 7-8:30pm in the Parish Center library. Solitude of the heart (a pamphlet of Lenten prayers with Henri J.M. Nouwen) will be distributed at the first session. Sessions include reading, sharing, and prayer “thus, the discipline of solitude enables us to live active lives in the world, while remaining always in the presence of the living god”. Contact Lindsay Lopez to register 651-292-1913 or lindsay@ststans.org.