Dear People Whom God Loves,
Is my house built on sand or on rock? I am referring to my belief house, my intellectual house, my values house.
From my perspective I see that the rock of my house is the belief and conviction that I am understood and loved by Love (God) just as I am. That belief also carries with it the conviction that that Love does not depend on my being right or virtuous. That belief also includes the realization that I am flawed, imperfect, and not always on the right path . . . and that I have much to learn from others, especially from those who see things from a perspective that is different from mine. The sturdier that my rock is, the more I am willing to be open to new information and new ways of seeing things…that only God (Love) possesses the truth. All human efforts toward truth are limited and incomplete. To the degree that these things are not present in me, to that degree my house is built on sand.
To be honest, my house is built on both rock and sand. I think that there is more rock than there used to be, but there is still a lot of sand.
If I might put this in another way: our beliefs and convictions can act like a political dictator. A dictator uses force and fear to bend his people to his will. This can work for a while, but eventually it will fail. Even when it is working, it hinders the inner growth of the people (though they may conform). It also stops the inner growth of the dictator.
When I am intolerant, it is a sign to me that my belief or conviction is built on sand. When I have looked at various aspects of the issue at hand—and sorted them out—my belief or conviction will be built on rock. And then I am able to listen to others and grow in knowledge. I am 85 and still not very good at this. Maybe I will learn when I get older. The belief dictator in me doesn’t help me or anybody else.
For me self-doubt (within reason) reminds me that I am not God.
Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay
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