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Dear People Whom God Loves,

I see prayer as fundamentally aligning our human will with God’s will. As we surrender our will to God’s will, there will always be at least a gradual change in us. Prayer is concerned with changing us…not in changing God. I see that this also includes not being certain that we know what God’s will is. Unless we have some self-doubt, we will be more inclined to tell ourselves that we are doing God’s will when, in fact, we are doing our own. How often terrible things are done in God’s name.

At the same time, is there not something else that happens in prayer besides the change in us? I believe that there is.

Remember that we are partners-though junior partners-with God in the evolution of our world and universe. God has chosen that our freedom is real and effective. And as our will is more closely aligned with God’s, our participation will become more effective. The Love that is God will flow in us more freely to do good to our world and universe. Also, we will become more energized to be actively involved in bringing about justice and good. But remember, our activity is to be energized by love and not by some subtle and hidden ego energy. We are all subject to that, but it is essential that we be aware of our tendency to be so driven.

We humans can do much good without prayer. But I would say that more is possible with prayer.

Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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