Parish News

December 1, 2020

• Blog: Advent – Preparing for What’s Next

Laurie Russell Pickert

Katie reflects on this December – this Advent – how it feels like a period of discernment and listening. Things will be dark, and then they will be light. How it may be necessary to let go of some things at the end of this season, in order to step into the next right thing.  […]

November 25, 2020

• A Thanksgiving Message

Laurie Russell Pickert

Dear St. Stan’s Beloved Parish Community, We want to take this time to let you know how grateful we are for your ongoing support, wisdom, love, and generosity.  We are the church!  Although times remain challenging and at times lonely, please know we are here for you.  We pray your Thanksgiving holiday comes with moments […]

November 20, 2020

• Blog: 2020’s Death Toll Is Getting To Me

Laurie Russell Pickert

Blog Update: Katie reflects on Father Clay’s epilogue “Who Am I?” and reminds herself that her job is to do the most important thing that’s right in front her with as much love and skill as possible. And to trust that that’s enough. Click HERE to read Katie’s blog and Father Clay’s message about love.

November 20, 2020

• Sister Maureen Kelly Obituary Notice

Laurie Russell Pickert

May she rest in the Peace of Christ It is with sadness that St. Stan’s shares news of the passing of Sister Maureen Kelly. Years ago, she lived in the 402 Superior residence next door to the St. Stan’s Rectory.  Sister Kelly was a Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls and was 90 years old when […]

November 16, 2020

• Father Dennis’s Weekly Homily

Laurie Russell Pickert

A new website feature is Father Dennis weekly homily.  Each week it can be found on the weekly homily page on our website by clicking the menu item ‘Weekly Homily’ under the Fr. Dennis menu link.  You can also click HERE.

November 9, 2020

• Thank You for Wearing a Mask

Laurie Russell Pickert

November 2, 2020

• Annual Food Drive Nov. 14-15

Laurie Russell Pickert

FOOD DRIVE:  November 14-15, 2020 On the weekend of November 14-15, St. Stan’s will be having its Annual Food Drive Collection to support people who live in the West 7th Street Community.  Food and cash donations will be accepted. Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, demand for emergency food assistance is very high.  Parents are skipping meals so […]

November 1, 2020

• Blog: There is No Distinction Between “Us” and “Them” . . .

Laurie Russell Pickert

There is No Distinction Between “Us” and “Them” in the Reign of God Katie reminds us that we can show up in the world and move past ourselves to operate with love and inclusion.  She shares from the series of letters “Substitutes for God?” written in 2011 and published in Awesome Love, (c) 2013 by […]

October 24, 2020

• Remember Your Loved One

Laurie Russell Pickert

During weekend masses for October 31 and November 1, names of loved ones to be remembered will be placed on the angel tree.  Remembrance of these individuals will be live streamed during the 4:00pm Saturday Mass, October 31, 2020. In the form below, enter the name of the individual(s) you wish to have remembered or […]

October 17, 2020

• Father Clay’s Legacy at St. Stan’s – KSTP.COM

Laurie Russell Pickert

KSTP Eyewitness News is going to feature a story about the legacy of Father Clay’s pastoral work at St. Stan’s. The story will be presented on Tuesday, October 19 at 10:00 p.m. on their special local segment. The video will also be available on their website Joe Mazan of KSTP visited St. Stan’s on […]

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