Posted by admin

July 26, 2009

Dear People Whom God Loves,

We have been looking at the conversion of “good” things.

Another example: I am very helpful to other people. This is, of course, a “good” thing. When I look inward, I may discover that I help people in situations and in a manner which keeps them from doing for themselves what they are able to do themselves. I keep them from growing. In AA, this is called enabling. In such a situation the feeling good or not feeling guilty that I experience overrides what is really good for the person. I may also enjoy feeling like the good one.

Another example: I like to do things perfectly. Doing things well is certainly good. When I search my soul, I may find that what I do is never good enough. I am afraid that people will think that I am not competent. I may find that underneath I don’t think that I am okay. This usually comes from not getting enough real love when I was little. Perhaps I can learn that I am good in myself. I don’t have to prove it by being perfect. Being perfect never works because no matter how well I do it, it doesn’t heal the wound. For those of us who believe in God, it may help to remember that Love loves us and we are good enough for her.

Another example: Perhaps I have strong convictions. Conviction is a “good” thing. As I look inside myself, I may realize that I think that I am right and good. Those who disagree are wrong and bad. I don’t need to listen to other points of view because I have the truth. This is a special problem for those of us who are church leaders when we think that we speak for God.

More next time.
Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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