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Dear People Whom God Loves,

We continue reflecting on our resistance to entering the second journey that we are called to in the second part of life.  Richard Rohr writes of religion and wealth as hindrances.   I would add a third…power (control).  The second journey requires letting go.  These three often block us from letting go.

It may sound strange that religion can block the second part of the spiritual journey into deep soul.  The journey into the deep soul usually makes no sense until we have entered into it.

We need to make the first part of the journey in our life including religion.  We need to build structures in our soul.  This is why we need to give children rules.  We all need to have boundaries.  As we go through the first part of life, it is essential to build these soul structures.  Without them, our lives would be chaotic.  And this impedes growth.

This is why we need to learn rules of right and wrong.  We need to learn prayers and other religious practices.  We need to learn that Jesus loves us and that Jesus loving us is God loving us.

We must not discount the value of the first part of the spiritual journey.  This is why we first learn to play the piano by striking the key on the piano that corresponds to the note on the sheet of music and holding it for the length of time that note in the sheet of music says.  Mozart is an exception just as there can be spiritual exceptions.  Jesus in the temple at age twelve comes to my mind.

Continuing with the musical example.  A great musician knows all the rules and respects them.  She also knows how to bend them and bring them to life.  Then there is a depth of soul in the music that is so much more than the notes on the sheet.  That is the kind of music that touches our soul and moves us deep inside.

More next time.
Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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