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Dear People Whom God Loves,

We have seen how religion can (but doesn’t have to) block us from the “letting go” that the second part of our life/spiritual journey requires.

The other two blocks are wealth and power.  We do need some limited control of our lives.  We don’t forget the lessons of the first half of our journey.  But we do incorporate them into a much deeper picture.  However, while some control is necessary, we are not ultimately in control of our lives.  Sickness, tragedy, death we ultimately can’t control.

The reason that wealth and power are blocks to the second half of our journey is that we can use them to shield us from blows that would push us into the journey.  This added ability to control things can inflate us to believe that we can and should control every thing.  Hence, that blocks our willingness to let go.

For example.  With wealth and power, we don’t have to wonder whether or not we will have enough to eat or a place to live.  Also, we will be able to escape legal entanglements that others could not escape.  We will also be able to have health care and procedures that others don’t have.

It is interesting to notice that (from my limited understanding of scripture) religion, wealth and power were what Jesus was most concerned about as being dangerous.

Religion  For Jesus, the reign of God was central to his life and teaching.  The reign of God was deeper than merely external religion.  It meant an inner transformation that resulted in mercy and compassion.  This mercy and compassion was for everyone, but especially for those marginalized by religion and society.  This mercy and compassion was not just to be felt but to be put into action.

Wealth  Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the reign of God.

Power  Jesus told his disciples who were arguing among themselves about who would be first in the reign of God.  Jesus told them: “You know how it is among the pagans.  Their great ones make their power felt.  It must not be that way with you.  If you are going to be number one in my reign, you must become the servant of the rest.”

These are Jesus’ values.  How far I fall short.

Much of this doesn’t make sense until we enter into the second journey.  When we are on the first journey, it might be helpful to know what is ahead.

I can’t wait to read the rest of Richard Rohr’s book, Falling Upward.

Smile, God Loves You,

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